Monday, May 6, 2019

Spatial Blueprint

Spatial Blueprint

A memory of a place I had to spend a week. It was a tent from when I was at warrior week in basic training for the Air Force.  It was a memory that has always lingered in my mind. It's what I'm always reminded of when I hear the words camping, and why I refuse to sleep in a tent again.


Not what it seems

This memento is about a painful experience of complete betrayal. It's the moment that my ex-husband had told me he cheated on me. We had been married for 9 years at the time. We have a daughter together. I thought we were fine. I was wrong. And of all times and places to tell me, it was in the absolute most intimate moment a couple could have. It took me two years after that to decide to leave. That hard sinking pain got worse every day for two years until I couldn't take it anymore.

It doesn't appear to be too heavy, it appears to be just a simple block of wood. It is much more than that. It seems light, but it's heavy. It's a deep sinking feeling in your hand as you hold it. If you hold the piece in your hand, fabric down, you will feel a sharp pain. 

Stardust Box

A Box designed for Stardust

The interior of the box was wood burned. A star map on the bottom with clouds, banners and lightning around the edges. In the center is a Mirriored cube, the bottom half of the mirrors appear to be shattered while the rest is solid with slight imperfections. A crumbling wall also helps the divide, representing the wall itself.

Robin the Fox

 Robin's Backstory

This is Robin. 

He's a fox with an interesting life. He's living a double life. 

 He's a party fox, who DJ's at the local club with his friends.

When he's not throwing an epic party, he spends his days as a pirate. Pilliaging and plundering the local villages. His double lives have resulted in his Dissociative identity disorder. Never remembering what the other half of him has done.

His other personalities don't like the real him to get out. They don't want him to know what they really do.

Creating the other Robin's

Hours of carving into soap. There were several mishaps while trying to carve, some parts broke off and had to be recreated or repaired. The second Robin was a large improvement from the first one but still could use improvement.