Thursday, January 24, 2019


"One only needs to watch the body whims of a house cat rubbing and wrapping itself around its owner's leg."

Animals all have different reasons for touch. A cat uses their whiskers and hair help them sense what is around them. Their sense of touch is much more sensitive than ours. Its fascinating to just watch a cat. They could randomly jump and you have no idea why, when it could have easily been something tiny brushing against their fur.

"Penguins must touch to survive-they stand on their parents feet and press close to their warm bellies-and so have developed a real passion for touching and being touched."

I picked penguins because they are very compassionate animals. I love the fact that they have to keep their babies close to them for their survival. Its an instinct that all parents have; holding your child's hand, hugging them, snuggling with them. Its an irreplaceable feeling between a parent and their child. Knowing that their child is safe just by touch.